Gifts for your baby’s first Christmas

Gifts for your baby’s first Christmas

It may be re-assuring for those with new babies to hear that when it comes to your baby’s first Christmas, expensive gifts are not necessary! Many parents feel the pressure to buy the latest and most costly toys, but with everyone managing tighter budgets these days, parents are looking for cheaper alternatives.
Premature babies – born too soon?

Premature babies – born too soon?

Statistics show that 1 in 10 New Zealand babies arrive in the world too soon. The outlook for premature babies has improved dramatically in recent years, but despite medical advances, figures are on the increase. Learn about pre-natal complications, neonatal intensive care, early challenges and learning and development issues.
The importance of drawing

The importance of drawing

It may look like just a whole lot of scribbles to you, but drawing is an important part of your children's development. Find out about the importance of drawing for young children and the many benefits it offers.
What can babies see?

What can babies see?

There’s been lots of discussion about what babies can see from a young age and it’s something that has fascinated scientists for decades. We know that their eyes aren't fully developed when they’re born, but how long is it before their eye muscles start to develop and they can focus and see colour?
You Searched For: "baby sensory"About 344 results
Under 5s - For Parents with Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers
01483 Willowbank Wildlife Reserve   CHRISTCHURCH: Walk and talk to the animals! Willowbank Wildlife Reserve in Northwood, Christchurch is a great place for kids
Shop > Birthday Parties > Party Venues > Willowbank Wildlife Reserve
Under 5s - For Parents with Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers
02276 5 Ways to stay fit while raising young kids   Having young kids may seem like quite a workout routine on its own, but incorporating a strength
Shop > Hot Topics > Parenting > 5 Ways to stay fit while raising young kids
Under 5s - For Parents with Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers
02124 Make your own puffy paints   It’s easy to make your own puffy paints at home using this simple recipe, just 4 basic ingredients and
Shop > Hot Topics > Activities > Make your own puffy paints
Under 5s - For Parents with Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers
02233 Recovering from antenatal/postnatal depression or anxiety   Have you been diagnosed with antenatal/postnatal depression or anxiet
Shop > Hot Topics > Parenting > Recovering from antenatal/postnatal depression or anxiety
Under 5s - For Parents with Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers
Summer Check out our articles and fun things to do with kids in summer and make the most of the warmer weather. 15 items Sand and water sensory play activity No time to go to the beach? This sand and water sensory play activity is easy to set up at home an
Shop > Hot Topics > Activities > Seasonal Activities > Summer
Under 5s - For Parents with Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers
02232 Could you have antenatal or postnatal depression?   Are you wondering if you are experiencing symptoms of postnatal depression/anxiety or even antenatal
Shop > Hot Topics > Parenting > Could you have antenatal or postnatal depression?
Under 5s - For Parents with Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers
01795 What's all the fuss about heuristic play?   Heuristic play is about playing with real-life, everyday objects and providing kids with an op
Shop > Hot Topics > Toys Books Play > Benefits of play > What's all the fuss about heuristic play?
Under 5s - For Parents with Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers
01895 7 Things to know about newborn babies   Every newborn baby is unique, but they already have the most amazing brain ready to soak
Shop > Hot Topics > Health & Wellbeing > Babies > 7 Things to know about newborn babies
Under 5s - For Parents with Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers
02312 Fun games to play at the beach   Have a go at these fun beach games for young kids! Games you can enjoy on the sand this
Shop > Hot Topics > Activities > Seasonal Activities > Summer > Fun games to play at the beach
Under 5s - For Parents with Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers
02016 Using natural resources for learning   Over the years as our living space has decreased and our use of smart phones, tablets
Shop > Hot Topics > Activities > Things to make > Using natural resources for learning
Under 5s - For Parents with Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers
02271 Coloured pasta for kids arts & crafts   There are lots of fun kids arts and crafts activities you can do with coloured pasta and
Shop > Hot Topics > Activities > Things to make > Coloured pasta for kids arts & crafts
Under 5s - For Parents with Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers
02016 Using natural resources for learning   Over the years as our living space has decreased and our use of smart phones, tablets
Shop > Hot Topics > Activities > Things to do > Using natural resources for learning
Under 5s - For Parents with Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers
01895 7 Things to know about newborn babies   Every newborn baby is unique, but they already have the most amazing brain ready to soak
Shop > Hot Topics > Health & Wellbeing > 7 Things to know about newborn babies
Under 5s - For Parents with Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers
02034 Exploring Science & Nature   Exploring science and nature can be so much fun for little ones. When children are engaged in learning about science a
Shop > Hot Topics > Child Development > Exploring Science & Nature
Under 5s - For Parents with Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers
01549 Why it's good for pre-schoolers to set goals   Goal setting for pre-schoolers is not something we hear about often, but it’s never to
Shop > Hot Topics > Child Development > Why it's good for pre-schoolers to set goals
Under 5s - For Parents with Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers
02369 The fourth trimester   The term ‘fourth trimester’ is often used to describe the first 3 months of your baby’s life. A time of enormous transition that you
Shop > Hot Topics > Child Development > The fourth trimester
Under 5s - For Parents with Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers
02017 Make your own sand foam   Have a go at making your own sand foam! It’s very easy to do and uses just 2 ingredients! The sand foam
Shop > Hot Topics > Activities > Things to make > Make your own sand foam
Under 5s - For Parents with Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers
01707 Make your own coloured ice cubes   Have a go at this super easy summer sensory play activity. Kids will have lots of fun play
Shop > Hot Topics > Activities > Things to make > Make your own coloured ice cubes
Under 5s - For Parents with Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers
00950 Tessarose Productions   CHRISTCHURCH: Tessarose makes magical music that provides educational opportunities for young children. Music feeds the
Shop > Toys & Books > Books > Tessarose Productions
Under 5s - For Parents with Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers
00950 Tessarose Productions   CHRISTCHURCH: Tessarose makes magical music that provides educational opportunities for young children. Music feeds the
Shop > Activities > Kids Classes > Tessarose Productions
Under 5s - For Parents with Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers
00950 Tessarose Productions   CHRISTCHURCH: Tessarose makes magical music that provides educational opportunities for young children. Music feeds the
Shop > Activities > Kids Classes > Music > Tessarose Productions
Under 5s - For Parents with Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers
01439 Premature babies – born too soon?   Statistics show that 1 in 10 New Zealand babies arrive in the world too soon. The outlook for premature b
Shop > Hot Topics > Health & Wellbeing > Premature babies – born too soon?
Under 5s - For Parents with Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers
02364 How to transition from 2 naps to 1   Anywhere between the ages of 12 months and 18 months your toddler will be ready to transition
Shop > Hot Topics > Child Development > How to transition from 2 naps to 1
Under 5s - For Parents with Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers
02105 Make your own sparkly finger paints   Kids love painting with their fingers, but don't let the mess scare you! Sparkly fin
Shop > Hot Topics > Activities > Things to do > Make your own sparkly finger paints
Under 5s - For Parents with Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers
01775 Make your own Christmas slime   Follow this easy recipe and turn ordinary slime into festive Christmas slime for kids
Shop > Hot Topics > Activities > Things to make > Make your own Christmas slime

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