
Benefits of adventure play for preschoolers

Adventure play or imaginative play comes with many benefits for preschoolers and is all about giving them a wide range of resources and materials to have fun with, experiment with and to help them build their own creations with.
Adventure play or imaginative play comes with many benefits for preschoolers and is all about giving them a wide range of resources and materials to have fun with, experiment with and to help them build their own creations with.

Benefits of adventure play for preschoolers


Benefits of adventure play

  • Adventure play encourages preschoolers to ask questions, use their imagination, problem-solve and work through the process of developing their own ideas through their play.
  • As preschoolers play alongside their friends, they engage in conversations to share their thoughts and ideas, make decisions about their play, take turns and negotiate.
  • Through the use of different resources, preschoolers learn about mathematical concepts such as fitting equipment together and moving in spaces they have created such as in, around, under and over objects.

Finding a location for adventure play

  • Providing activities for preschoolers to use their imagination and engage in adventure play can be easily set up in a home environment.
  • However adventure play does not necessarily have to take place indoors. Taking the equipment and resources outdoors on a fine day provides a natural environment for your preschooler's play to develop.

Materials to use for adventure play

  • Materials such as blankets, cardboard boxes, dress-up clothes, driftwood, material remnants and any other natural or recyclable materials found in and around your home can provide preschoolers with the resources to use their imagination and be creative.
  • Adventure play tends to work best when the materials are available in a clear space, providing plenty of room for your preschooler to play, grow and expand.

Parents or caregivers role in adventure play

  • As adults, we can support our preschoolers by creating a clear and safe environment, listening to their thoughts and ideas, encouraging them to put their ideas into practice and allowing them to explore at their own pace.

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Source: This article was written by Nurtured At Home - providing high quality learning environments in a safe and nurturing home.

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